When Should A Business Become Profitable In Its Growth Journey

When Should A Business Become Profitable In Its Growth Journey
Insightful strategies for revenue optimization, cost reduction, and efficient scalability while providing a comprehensive understanding of key metrics.

A business's growth journey typically evolves through three main stages: startup, expansion, and maturity. 

During the startup phase, businesses operate as newborn entities trying to carve out a unique space in the market. Here, the primary focus is to construct a value proposition that is unique, compelling, and clearly addresses a market need. It's about ideation and validation, where the business must prove its relevance to an initial set of customers and learn from their feedback. 

As businesses transition into the expansion phase, their objectives shift toward growth and scalability. Having established its value proposition and secured a foundational customer base, the aim now is to amplify its reach, engage more customers, and perhaps broaden its offerings. This could mean diversifying product lines, entering new markets, or pursuing strategic partnerships. However, with growth comes increased operational complexities. 

The business must learn to navigate the intricacies of scaling, such as managing larger teams, complex supply chains, and regulatory issues. During this phase, founders must strike a balance between rapid growth and operational stability. 

Then there is the next phase: maturity.

When a business reaches the maturity phase, it is usually well-established with a significant market share. At this stage, businesses grapple with increased competition and upstarts that can move faster and provide a more innovative solution, necessitating an unrelenting focus on customer satisfaction, product innovation, and strategic resilience. They might seek new growth avenues, such as exploring new customer segments, investing in R&D for product innovation, or venturing into new geographic territories. 

Balancing Growth and Profitability

As businesses mature, the emphasis on profitability grows. Business owners must balance maintaining steady growth while ensuring this growth translates into sustainable profitability. This goal can involve strategic measures such as streamlining operations, optimizing cost structures, innovating product offerings, and enhancing customer experiences.


In the startup phase, the focus is on customer acquisition and lifetime value (LTV). Regardless of available capital, the ultimate objective is to achieve profitability. To do this, startups need to identify the right marketing channels, calculate acquisition costs, and assess the lifetime value of a customer. If the LTV generates more profitability than the monthly recurring revenue (MRR), then every dollar should ideally be directed towards reducing the customer acquisition cost (CAC) and enhancing the LTV. Once these metrics are defined, the marketing budget can be determined. As the business matures, these calculations can then extend to profitability to stabilize the business.


Enterprises often employ a profit-first methodology. One approach involves setting aside 10% of revenues for various operational costs such as the cost of goods sold (COGS), operational expenses (OPEX), and sales, general & administrative (SG&A) expenses. If you aim to make a 10% net profit, it's crucial to calculate your available spending for marketing and sales. This calculation can also guide how much of that 10% can be allocated to innovation, based on the expected return on investment (ROI).

Understanding your total addressable market (TAM) is also crucial because it sets the growth ceiling for your business. Many companies operate within niche markets, and increasing market share in these situations often means taking away from competitors—it's a zero-sum game. In such instances, knowing your projected net profit over a span of, say, five years becomes critical.

For larger enterprises with virtually unlimited markets (such as Asana, Salesforce, and Amazon), there's more room to increase spending on marketing and sales.

When a company reaches its growth ceiling, introducing supplemental products can boost LTV and facilitate continued growth. This strategy can allow the company to maintain momentum and profitability even in a saturated market.

Assessing Readiness for Profitability

Determining a business's readiness for profitability involves several key elements. Key performance indicators (KPIs), such as gross margin and net profit margin, provide insight into a company's financial health and efficiency in generating profit.

Financial forecasting uses past and present data to estimate future financial outcomes, aiding in informed decision-making. Budgeting complements forecasting by ensuring optimal resource allocation to achieve profitability goals.

After financial forecasting and budgeting, founders should assess their company's revenue growth potential by evaluating the market size, market share, product demand, and their ability to meet this demand and retention. In essence, a multifaceted approach employing these tools helps businesses gauge their progress toward profitability and adjust strategies accordingly.

It can be useful to have a scorecard to ensure a business can be both profitable and still scale. Ask the following questions about your business when trying to establish that you have both profitability and scalability in hand:

1. Do all the customers need the same thing?

2. What is the cost of delivering the product or service? What's the profit margin?

3. Will a larger audience than the current customer need the same product/service and can afford the pricing?

4. If you create a customer acquisition model, will you be able to afford the support that comes with it in terms of tools and personnel?  What's the breakeven point for each level of growth?

These questions act as guidelines for your business and contribute to your strategies for achieving profitability. 

Strategies for Achieving Profitability

Profitability, the ultimate goal of any business, hinges on a blend of strategic elements that include revenue optimization, cost management, astute pricing, and efficient scalability.

Revenue Optimization

Revenue optimization is about maximizing the potential income from your existing operations. This could be achieved through techniques such as cross-selling and up-selling, customer retention initiatives, expanding into new markets, or introducing new product lines.

Cost Reduction

Cost reduction strategies aim to minimize expenses without compromising product or service quality. This can involve streamlining operations, leveraging technology for efficiency, outsourcing non-core functions, and reducing waste or inefficiencies.


Pricing is another pivotal factor. Effective pricing strategies ensure that the price points not only cover the cost of goods or services but also generate a reasonable profit, while still remaining competitive and attractive to customers. This requires a deep understanding of the market, customer expectations, and competitor pricing.


Efficient operational scaling involves managing business growth without exponentially increasing costs. It's about growing the customer base and revenue while keeping a firm grip on operational and production costs. This could involve process automation, strategic hiring, and judicious use of resources.

By giving due attention to these elements, businesses can craft a balanced strategy that propels them toward profitability without stunting their growth potential or compromising on their value proposition. It's about making strategic choices that harmonize the needs of the present with the demands of the future.

Cash Flow Management During the Growth Journey

Effectively steering cash flow is a vital part of a company's expansion voyage. This includes accurate cash flow forecasting, judicious management of operational capital, and scrutinizing the various available financing avenues. Successful cash flow management can separate a steadily growing business from one that trips over its way to profitability.

Achieving profitability within a business's growth journey hinges on a variety of variables, such as the growth phase, market volatility, industry dynamics, and strategic decision-making. Businesses should strive for a delicate balance between growth and profitability and keep rigorous cash flow management at the forefront. 

When scaling a business, it's important to have the following items figured out before doubling or tripling your customer base:

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): This refers to the cost associated with convincing a potential customer to buy a product/service. It includes the cost of marketing and sales, divided by the number of new customers acquired in the period the money was spent.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): This is a marketing metric that measures the effectiveness of digital advertising campaigns. It is the revenue generated from a specific marketing campaign divided by the cost of that campaign.

Tech Stack: This refers to the set of technologies, software, and tools that are used in the development and operation of a single application or site. It can include operating systems, databases, libraries, frameworks, and programming languages.

Cloud/Data Processing Costs: These are the costs associated with using cloud-based platforms to store, manage, and process data. This can include subscription fees for services like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud and the costs associated with data transmission and computation.

Customer Onboarding Costs: These are the expenses related to the process of getting new customers up to speed with a product or service. It can include costs for tutorials, user guides, customer training, and initial customer support.

Customer Support, Retention, and Upsell Costs: These refer to the expenses associated with maintaining a relationship with existing customers. It includes the cost of customer service, initiatives to retain customers, and efforts to sell more products or services (upselling) to existing customers.

Churn: This is a metric that calculates the number of customers who leave a product over a given period of time, divided by the remaining number of customers. It's a critical figure in subscription-based businesses.

Net Revenue Retention: This is a metric that measures the change in recurring revenue from existing customers in a given period of time, accounting for upgrades, downgrades, and churn. A high rate indicates that revenue from existing customers is growing even if no new customers are acquired.

Operational Costs (CRM, Marketing Automation, Data Enrichment): These are the costs associated with the tools and software used in the operations of a business, such as a customer relationship management (CRM) system, marketing automation software, and data enrichment tools. These costs can include subscriptions, maintenance, training, and upgrades.

In this challenging landscape, NineTwoThree provides expert advice to accelerate your journey toward profitability. The objective isn't merely to give priority to profitability, but to incorporate it as an indispensable facet of the business's growth narrative. Book a meeting with us today to see how we can use technology to boost profits and scale efficiency.

Andrew Amann
Andrew Amann
Building a NineTwoThree Studio
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